Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Jalal Husseini

Jalal Husseini

Sector : Science, Scientists

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: France
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1962
  • key_age: 54
  • Резюме :


Jalal is an associate research fellow in political sociology at the French Institute for the Near East (IFPO) and a free-lance consultant having worked for numerous international agencies including UNRWA, OIOS, UNICEF, SDC (Swiss Cooperation), GIZ (German cooperation), the Oxford Center for Refugee Studies, Care, etc. Based in Amman since 1997, he has specialized in refugee assistance issues and more broadly in the socioeconomic and political development of the Middle East. Holder of a PhD obtained at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva), with a doctoral dissertation on the political dimensions of UNRWA’s mandate, he is the author of numerous articles and reports published in journals and on the internet. He has conducted various research programs, including a 5-year program on the Palestinian Diaspora that has materialized into a book: “Les Palestiniens entre Etat et Diaspora”, published by Karthala in December 2011. He is presently conducting a baseline assessment about social participation in the Palestinian refugee camps of Jordan and the West Bank (for the GIZ).


Достижения и награды

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