Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Mais Shalash

Personal Info

  • Country of residence: Palestine
  • Gender: Female
  • Born in: 1989
  • Age: 27
  • Curriculum vitae :


Mais Shalash was born in 7th of June 1989 in Kuwait. She is from Shaqba a village in Ramallah Palestine. She is the third of her brothers.

She started the art of singing is the age of seven, was fond of singing songs and praises and recitation, recite the Koran.

When her father Saud Toha Shalash discovered his daughter's talent Mais intifada was at its peak . Did not realize the facilitator that her voice small will become a voice of a nation, and this says Mais (I'm the city of Al-Aqsa Intifada and the championship of my family in occupied Palestine, scenes that as long as I've seen on TV have caused outrage in me, and started looking for a way to join the civil Almentqdin anger).

Mais won many awards, including the Award of Child song festival in Cairo and participated in many festivals in the Arab world, including the National Forum for Youth Justice and Development in Morocco.

The effects of singing Mais controversy among the religious, and said that he may not religiously when bigger is no longer a girl, but Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi decreed permission to sing to men as long as indecent is not subject to say, as long as the service is concerned with issues of the nation. Finally, she declares that she is very relieved that Yusuf Al Qaradawi said in his Fatwa (Al âmal Hassan Hassan, Wal Qabih) that there is no religious opposition towards her career as a woman in the music world.

Mais Shalash thinks also that the Islamic chant needs some time to be more performing to take over the other corrupted non Islamic songs.

Achievements and Awards

  • Marital status :
  • City :
  • Status :
  • Years in active : From To