Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Maqdisi

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in:
  • key_age: 223
  • Резюме :


Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Athari al-Maqdisi , known as Ibn Ubayyah al-Maqdisi (December 30, 1427 - December 5, 1499) (Rabi’ al-Awwal 12, 831 - Jumada al-Awwal 3, 905) was a Shafi’i jurist, judge, and Levantine Arab poet from the fifteenth century AD/ninth AH. He was born in Jerusalem and grew up there. He received the mental and literal sciences in it, then he was appointed to spend it. He went to Damascus , where he taught and preached at the Umayyad Mosque. He died there and was buried in Bab al-Saghir cemetery . He has a collection of poetry that contains several prophetic poems. He was famous for his good systems, the beauty of calligraphy, preaching and rhetoric. 



He is Shihab al-Din Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakr bin Ubayyah al-Maqdisi al-Athari. He was born on 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal 831/December 30, 1427 in Jerusalem in the Mamluk state and grew up there. He comes from an Aleppo family. He received the mental and literal sciences in it, then he was appointed to spend it. He remained in his position until Sultan Al-Ashraf Qaitbay was dismissed and exiled to Damascus as punishment for the Sharia ruling he issued in the year 1473 to demolish the Jewish synagogue [3] , so he immigrated to Damascus . And where he taught and preached at the Umayyad Mosque . He died there on Jumada al-Awwal 3, 905/December 5, 1499. He was buried in the Bab al-Saghir cemetery, north of the tomb of Sheikh Hammad

His works

He is credited with the manuscript “Precious Things in Investigating Church Issues and Exposing the Intrigues of the Polytheists” and “Fulfilling Covenants on the Obligation of Destroying the Jewish Church.” [3]


His poetry 

Omar Farroukh described it : “ Ahmed bin Ubayyah was a scholar, preacher, and sentimental poet who had poetry, descriptions, and wonderful poems. », 


Достижения и награды

  • key_marital :
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  • key_active_year : key_active_from key_active_to