Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Ezzedine Shallah

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


The Palestinian researcher Ezzedine Shallah obtained a doctorate in cinema, with a very honorable grade and a recommendation to print the thesis, from the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah University in the city of Fez in the Kingdom of Morocco. The researcher discussed “Rashid Masharawi’s cinematic treatment of the Palestinian issue,” as Masharawi is considered one of the most important Palestinian film directors working to highlight the Palestinian issue in international forums. The study concluded that Masharawi’s cinema was interested in addressing the fundamental controversial issues with the Zionist entity, as the results showed that his first concern was the subject of the suffering of Palestinian families, then the internal closures, refugees, Jerusalem, barriers, and settlement, which are the most important topics that constitute the core of the Palestinian issue, and the conflict with the occupation for sixty-three years. The discussion committee consisted of Professor Dr. Abdul Rahman Tankul as supervisor, Professor Dr. Ahmed Sharak as chairman, and the membership of Professor Dr. Ezzedine Al-Khattabi and Professor Dr. Jamal Boutayeb. At the end of the study, the researcher recommended that filmmakers should focus on important topics such as: borders - attacks on Islamic sanctities - political prisoners - water - the apartheid wall, land confiscation - external siege - assassinations - martyrdom - workers, and that the Palestinian National Authority pay attention to supporting cinematic production. The researcher noted the importance of Palestinian businessmen and private institutions taking their role in contributing to the production of cinematic films that serve the cause, and working to convert all the films that chronicled the Palestinian cause into CDs, a number of which are in some Palestinian embassies in Arab and foreign countries.


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