Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Ruba Sharaan

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Syria
  • Пол: Female
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


A Palestinian engineer at Damascus University invents a laser device to treat temporomandibular pain
Thousands of Palestinian refugee students in Syria came out, carrying messages of knowledge, success, and struggle despite asylum and war.. at the ancient University of Damascus, which derives its heritage from the authenticity of Damascus, a city vibrant with history and life. They came out to leave imprints that the university will carry in its educational journey for future generations..

The Palestinian engineer “Ruba Sharaan” is one of those students who had a distinctive mark on the Faculty of Medical Engineering at the University of Damascus. Through their graduation project, “Ruba” was keen, along with her colleagues Alaa Abu Halawa, Aisha Al-Ali Al-Jawwar, and Israa Al-Sahli, to provide solutions to common temporomandibular pain. Through scientific innovation.

The innovation relies on the low-energy therapeutic laser “LLLT”, which does not cause any pain or harm to the patient.

The country went through many security disturbances while the four engineers were designing their innovation... and other difficulties they faced in importing the laser piece, needed to prepare the project, from China... but they insisted on continuing their work actively for 4 months, to bring their innovation to light.

Ruba believed in herself and her superiority, and all she hoped for was to work and complete her graduate studies under better conditions... and greater hopes that she and her friends would develop their device so that it would be used in hospitals in all parts of the world.

The temporomandibular joint is a synovial joint that connects the jaw and the skull. It contains synovial fluid that helps facilitate the movement of the joint. The temporomandibular joint assists with the facial muscles in many movements, including opening and closing the mouth and making some forward and backward movements when speaking and chewing.

Dozens of Palestinian-Syrian refugees achieved advanced and distinguished ranks in all scientific, sports, artistic and literary fields despite all the difficulties they faced due to their limited financial capabilities and the economic, living and psychological pressures due to the war that broke out in Syria.


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