Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Ghazal Rami Al-Tawbeh

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Female
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


The Palestinian-Syrian student, Ghazal Rami Al-Tawba, who has special needs, achieved success with high grades in the Syrian exams for the third year of middle school, qualifying her to study in general education.
UNRWA celebrates Ghazal’s success story and her passing the exams despite the disability and challenges she faced. UNRWA quoted Ghazal in a report published on its website as saying, “I cannot describe my feelings when the results of our exams were announced. There was a lot of excitement, and I was very happy. I cried from "joy"
Ghazal added, “My mother worked to create a positive educational environment in our home and was always supportive of me.” UNRWA indicated that in addition to the supportive environment for Ghazal at home, she benefited from the services provided to her by the UNRWA Relief and Social Services Program in Homs.
Regarding the challenges that Ghazal faced, she said, “I have had my share of strange comments and inappropriate inquiries,” and “I do not feel that my disability prevents me from continuing my education,” and the student asserts, “I am proud of overcoming all the challenges I faced.”
Ghazal is 16 years old and is a resident of Al Aedin Camp in Homs. She received her education at Abdullah bin Masoud School, and achieved grades of (2196) in the middle school certificate. She is a friend of the volunteers in the camp, and hopes to become an Arabic language teacher after she graduates from university.
UNRWA indicates that its education program works to ensure the provision of a rights-based educational approach that serves the groups of students most at risk. The program actively works to encourage inclusive school communities and aims to protect every student from marginalization and exclusion.


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