Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Hadeel Sarahen

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Female
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


Students from Palestine Polytechnic University won the best scientific poster introductory to engineering and computer science, at the second research conference for Palestinian bachelor’s students, which was held at Al-Quds University, where the students Hadeel Farajeen and Hammam Al-Harash, from the Department of Electrical Engineering, specializing in Electrical Energy Engineering Technology, won. Their project was supervised by Dr. Fouad Al-Zaro, and their research was entitled (“Prototype for Smart Irrigation System Based on Solar Cells”).

It is noteworthy that the second research conference for Palestinian bachelor’s students is the first of its kind in producing student research aimed at strengthening the mechanism of producing scientific research and encouraging its conduct. This conference is considered the result of student research over the course of a full year of research and work, which went through stages of evaluation and testing by specialized committees in Research.

Ninety-two research papers were submitted from Palestinian universities in the West Bank and Gaza, and sixty-five papers were accepted after a careful arbitration process in the form of oral interventions and scientific posters.

Palestine Polytechnic University, Al-Quds University, Birzeit University, Hebron University, Bethlehem University, and the Palestine American School participated in the conference, where they presented their projects and research at the conference, in addition to the participation of students from Palestine University in Gaza who joined the discussion and presented their research and posters using technology. (video conference).

At the end of the conference, the results of the winners were announced, they were honored, and certificates of appreciation were given to them.


Достижения и награды

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