Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Afnan Al-Ostath

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Female
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


When she was young, science was her favorite school class. Throughout her middle and high school years, she had the best teachers who were a strong motivation for her to know the specialty she wanted and that suited what she aspires to in her life. She chose the major in physics despite its simplicity and complexity, but it was magical... so magical that all difficulties vanished the moment she graduated with distinction..

“Afnan Al-Ustad” is a twenty-year-old Palestinian woman from the Gaza Strip, who works to be a successful model in the field of science and an inspiration for other girls. She became involved in scientific projects to simplify science for those interested, the most recent of which was in astronomy, with which she found joy in educating people around her about it. .

Afnan tells Al Awda News Network, “In 2016, I was chosen to be a participating member in the first Arab School for Astronomy and Physics, which was held in Morocco, and I was luckier because I was able to leave for it in light of the closure imposed on the Gaza Strip.”

Afnan adds, “I also had the opportunity some time ago to participate in the training of the Advanced Physics School at Birzeit University in the West Bank, which was supported and funded by the late physicist Stephen Hawking, but I was prevented from participating by the well-known difficulties faced by every Palestinian who wants to cross the border to see the other side of his homeland.” Or from the world.”

Afnan’s loss of many diverse opportunities and training in her specialty gave her the opportunity to talk about the difficulties facing the scientific environment in Palestine at the World Science Conference, which was held at the British University of Cambridge at the beginning of 2018, through a short documentary video that brings the picture closer to what is happening in universities and what students are suffering from. And academics for the opportunity to learn, research and develop.

Afnan’s happiness has grown and continues to grow by being a source of trust for many, a source of inspiration and a constructive hand... stressing that the girl has only to believe in herself more and begin her story.


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