Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Nadra Shalhoub Kevorkian

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Female
  • Born in: 1960
  • key_age: 62
  • Резюме :


Nadra Shalhoub-Kevorkian is a professor who teaches in the departments of criminology and social work at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a lecturer in law and women's studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. She was born in 1960 and lives in East Jerusalem.

She has gained international recognition for her academic activism on Palestinian women who have experienced domestic violence and sexual assault. Her writings revolve around the effects of the Israeli occupation on Palestinian women from a legal, social and psychological point of view. She is writing a book on "Women, Occupation and Militarization in Palestinian Society".

In addition to her academic work, Shalhoub is active on committees of Palestinian and Israeli institutions, including the Mada al-Carmel Research Center and the Maslak Center (to defend freedom of movement).

The study, which was published in 2009 in Feminism & Psychology, used novels for children aged 10-18 in research groups conducted in 2006 in Gaza under the guidance of social workers. The aim of these groups was to exchange and share the challenging daily experiences these children go through, thus learning how to expose themselves to others, teaching each other ways to deal with their predicaments, as well as planning actions that can be taken to improve their future. This study focuses on the negative feelings that drown out those children who have lost or are afraid of their homes. When the children were asked about the most difficult experience they had gone through, they all talked about losing their home and turning them into refugees within their own neighbourhoods, being exposed to the trauma of losing a home, and showing the impact of politics and its intrusion into the psyche of the child.

Nadera Shalhoub is interested in researching Palestinian women's access to justice in the context of her relations with the police. She explores the relationships between the victim of violence and the police. The experience of Palestinian and indigenous women in general with the police forces of a dominant-majority establishment is reviewed.


Достижения и награды

Grover Prize
In 2008, she was awarded the Grover Women's Rights Prize for her work to end femicide in light of the desecration of family honor in Palestinian society.



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