Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Faten Shelbaya

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  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Female
  • key_age: 0
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Faten Shelbaya, a brilliant Palestinian woman, who established a state of her own

Montaser Al-Anani - Alienation has components that come out and are made despite its pain, to prove itself despite all the pains that accompany it. Palestinian women in exile have made Palestine a map and identity through cultural and awareness practices. The implications of the Palestinian cause are present in the pulse of their hearts. It reaches its Palestinian national message and exposes the practices of the occupation and presents a Palestinian culture, so that it has a national story, present and a future past. Shelbayeh is still striving in the place of its headquarters, America fled to be the focus of movement for the Palestinian cause and took over many important centers and had a pioneering role that had no limits and did not stop striving to It has its own state of giving to have clear fingerprints on the side of the Palestinian cause, and it was necessary to shed light on this serious Palestinian who worked and still deserves this space from us, which will be a certificate and a badge of honor for the media to embrace this Palestinian woman who we are proud of and deserves from us and we had her This meeting -


Faten Ahmed Shelbaya, born in Amman - Jordan, date of birth 1978, her country of origin is Abbasid - Jaffa (Palestine) American nationality - Jordanian I received my primary and middle studies in UNRWA schools for Palestinian refugees in Al Wihdat camp, Jordan. And then my secondary education at the Asian School for Girls, and I received a diploma in banking and financial sciences from the Amman Training College of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in 1998 AD, after which I got married and moved to live in the United States of America in 1999 AD, and I received courses from Banker Hill College in Boston I majored in management and accounting in addition to English culture, and then in 2006 I returned to Jordan and completed a Bachelor’s degree in financial and banking management and worked in the Jordanian Swedish Pharmaceutical Company as a marketing coordinator for the foreign market. I was traveling to America for visits during that period, after which I obtained a higher diploma in medical administration from Brown University in Ohio, USA, with honors in 2016, and I am now continuing to prepare for a master’s study in international medical management from the University of Phoenix, USA. She holds translation certificates certified by the Ohio Supreme Court as a translator (English-Arabic). And translation certificates in the medical field from the international organization in Keren in cooperation with the Higher Medical Center in Ohio. Professional work: - Legal and social translator at the International Akron Institute in Akron, Ohio since 2012 (interpretation and translation) - Member of the Board of Directors at Green University for Academic Studies and Director of Development and International Relations at the same university - Director of the office of the Palestinian Al-Sabah electronic newspaper and director American-Palestinian Relations in it - Volunteer as a member of the Office of Goodwill in Akron, Ohio - Volunteer as an international spokesperson in the International Links Organization to introduce cultures around the world in the United States of America for the category of students from high school and universities Activities: - After a long correspondence that lasted a year, I got approval to include Palestine as a country among the countries of the world within a website of the Ministry of Education in Ohio approved to teach students about the cultures and history of the countries of the world. To introduce the Palestinian cause and the history and reality of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict - Participation in the events Presenting our Palestinian culture through the Palestinian dress and providing an explanation about Palestine, its history and civilization - Establishing the Voice of Peace group on Facebook and dedicated to introducing our Palestinian cause in a peaceful manner and exposing the crimes of the occupation by publishing videos and publications in English because it targets foreigners and not Arabs - Presenting an achievement initiative for Change for National and Revolutionary Awareness - Other activities that will be explained in a long time in the service of my homeland Palestine.


The Palestinian woman is the mother of the Palestinian dress and she is proud. Faten Shelbaya is a strong woman who is present in giving. She looks towards the sky to play a major role in reviving the Palestinian cause so that she will be the iron charmer if it is true that she deserves to bear the first Palestine Medal.




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