Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Abdul Moneim Amayri

Abdul Moneim Amayri

Sector : Media, Actors

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Syria
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in:
  • key_age: 53
  • Резюме :


Abdel Moneim Amayri (January 18, 1970), a Palestinian actor, was born in Damascus, Syria. His family origins go back to the village of Al-Ja’una in Palestine.

his career
Abdel Moneim Al-Amairi says that he will not be successful in any profession or anything other than the art of acting. He was confident of his talent and kept persuading his father until he was allowed to apply to the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in Damascus. Abdel Moneim applied to the institute for the first time and was rejected and remained insisting on his ambition. He applied for the second time and was accepted. He entered the institute - the acting department at the age of 23, and after graduating, he followed a directing course in Tunisia.

He was affiliated with the Syrian Artists Syndicate in 1997, and his first role was in the Al Thuraya series, after which he played many roles until he got his chance in the absolute championship with the social comedy “Mabrouk” directed by Hisham Sharbatji and produced in 2001.

He later became a professor at the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts and taught some of the students who became stars in the Syrian drama, such as Sulafa Mimar, Qusay Khouli, Canada Hanna, Basil Khayyat, and Qais Sheikh Najeeb, and his students from the new generation are Hala Rajab, Dana Mardini, Yamen Hijali, Karam Shaarani, Anas Tayara, and others.

his private life
He married the artist, Amal Arafa, in 2001, and they had two children, “Salma” (born in 2005) and “Maryam” (born in 2008). They separated after 15 years of marriage in 2015.


Достижения и награды

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  • key_active_year : key_active_from key_active_to