Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Mahmoud Maarouf

Sector : Media, Journalists

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1953
  • key_age: 71
  • Резюме :


Mahmoud Maarouf ( 1953 - 2020 ) is a Palestinian journalist and correspondent . He was the office director of Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper in Rabat since its founding in 1989, and a correspondent for the “Quds Press” agency before that, and the president of the “Union of Palestinian Writers and Writers - Morocco Branch.” Mahmoud immigrated to Morocco in the early In the 1980s, coming from Baghdad, he was the interpreter of the Palestinian issue in Morocco, and its voice in his journalism.
He was born in 1953 in the depopulated village of Deir al-Qasi in Galilee, and studied in Iraq.

His death

He died on Thursday, September 3 , 2020 in Rabat , Morocco, of a heart attack , and was buried in the land of the “Sidi Masoud” cemetery in the Riad district of the Moroccan capital, Rabat, after 67 years of age.

Written about him

The National Syndicate of the Moroccan Press mourned journalist Mahmoud Maarouf, describing him as a dear and beloved colleague. The report also stated, “He is of Palestinian identity and affiliation. He loved his country, Morocco, and embraced it for decades, and it has the foundations of a wide-ranging professional and humanitarian relationship, the title of which is honesty and credibility.” With a high spirit and distinguished behavior, the deceased succeeded in forging strong relationships with the various components of Moroccan society, and deservedly earned the respect of all and without dispute.”

Younes Mujahid, head of the National Council of the Moroccan Press, said: “He was familiar with a number of national files until he became a specialist in Moroccan affairs.”

Достижения и награды

Awards and honors

In 2019, the Palestinian Ministry of Information honored journalist Mahmoud Maarouf, in the city of Ramallah, in the presence of editors-in-chief of official media and a number of media representatives in Palestine. 



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