Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Atallah Abul Sabeh

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1948
  • key_age: 74
  • Резюме :


al-Sawafeer al-Sharqia village, 1948 immigrated with his family while he was a baby and ended up settling with his family in Rafah Camp. graduated in science and mathematics from the Teachers Training College in Ramallah 1969, studied majoring in Sharia at the Islamic University in Gaza in 1981, head of the students council at the university, work at the UNRWA schools until 1984, member of the board of directors of Rafah Services Club 1977 -1978 , with distinction and works as preacher in the mosques in Gaza Strip.


Достижения и награды

Became Dean of Students Affairs at the Islamic University from masters in Sharia from al-Najah University and then got his PhD from Um Durman in Sudan 1997 -2001. He was arrested five times in the occupation prisons and he is well known in his writings in al-Risala newspaper, Minister of Culture 2006.

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