Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Ramy Abu Shehab

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1974
  • key_age: 48
  • Резюме :


Rami Abu Shehab is a writer and academic critic who specializes in literary criticism, cultural studies, and postcolonial discourse. His book "Al-Rassis and the Deceiver of Post-Colonial Discourse in Contemporary Arab Criticism, Theory and Practice" is one of the basic reference studies in post-colonial discourse or (post-colonial discourse) as well as in cultural criticism. The critic’s research and studies vary to include several fields of knowledge and critical approaches such as structuralism, as well as his contributions in the field of post-colonial discourse, diaspora studies, cultural criticism, reviews of international cinema, folk tales and heritage, as well as intellectual and critical reviews of many books and studies. He is a member of the Committee Arbitration for Al Multaqa Prize for the Arabic Short Story in Kuwait 2019


His writings and books

Critical and academic books:


The discourse of stylized consciousness in the Arabic novel: Approaches: Cultural criticism, postcolonialism, feminist criticism, new historicalism, the Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing, Beirut, 2021.

Distorted Anat: Approaches to Enlightenment, Knowledge, and Language, The Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing, Beirut, 2019.

In the last passage the narrative of the Palestinian diaspora; A Post-Colonial Perspective, The Arab Foundation for Studies and Publishing, 2017.

Al-Rassis and the Deceiver Post-Colonial Discourse in Contemporary Arab Criticism; Theory and Practice - The Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing - Beirut, (1st Edition 2013 - 2nd Edition 2014).

Building the symbolic character in the Arabic novel in Jordan -1967-2003. Amman, Cultural Department, 2008. [5]

The Structure of Folktales: Model and Reception, a book attached to the Qatari Folk Traditions Magazine - Heritage Section - Ministry of Culture - Doha 2015.

Cultural patterns in the contemporary Qatari story, Center for Research and Studies, Doha, 2016.

poetic works:


8. I came back, gentlemen, after a short death, poetry collection, Amman, spaces for publication and distribution, 2007.


9. As for me, I am not from clay, The Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing, Beirut, 2019.


Subscribe to books

A study entitled Dialectic of uprooting and shock within the book Palestine in the Mirrors of Thought and Creativity - The Eleventh Arab Report for Cultural Development, Arab Thought Foundation, Beirut, 2020.

A study entitled "Towards a Palestinian Discourse for the Diaspora: Writing in Times of Travel" in the book The Question of Palestine and the Future of the Palestinian National Project; On Identity, Resistance and International Law.” The book includes studies by Ijaz Ahmed, Azmi Bishara, Richard Falk and others. The book is issued by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha 2015.

In the text fever, research and studies dedicated to Prof. Dr. Mustafa Olayan, edited by Issa Odeh and Raeda Akhu Azhia, Dar Al-Mamoun, Amman, 2018.

Published academic research

1- “Shock Discourse: Formula and Transformation, the Butterfly Effect, by the poet Mahmoud Darwish as a model,” Yarmouk University Research Journal, Volume 29, Volume 3, 2020.


2- “The Nakba in the novel The Time of the White Horses by Ibrahim Nasrallah - Awareness and the Historical Imagination”, The Arab Journal of Human Sciences, Kuwait University, Issue 151, Summer 2020.


3- Postcolonialism, the critical approach and the methodological perspective, Apuleus Journal of Languages and Literatures, Volume 6, Volume 2, June 2019, Mohamed Sharif Musadia University, Algeria.


4- “Jerusalem... The Discourse of Confirmation and Displacement: From the Discourse of Western Travelers to the Digital Discourse”, Ro’a Fikri Journal, p. 9, April 2019, Souk Ahras University, Algeria.


5- The Stylized Identity in the Gate of Memories of Asia Djebar, Journal of Language and Literature, December 29, 2019, University of Algiers (2), (p. 118-145).


6- The book “Balaghat Al-Jawher: Concepts and Applications of Cognitive and Methodological Problems… and the Limits of Rooting”, Al-Omda Journal in Linguistics and Discourse Analysis - P6, January 2019, Mohamed Boudiaf University of M'sila - Algeria. (152-169) .


7- Value Discourse in the Contemporary Qatari Story, Ansaq Magazine, Qatar University, October 2017, Vol. 2.


8- Towards a Palestinian discourse for the diaspora, writing in times of migration, (the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, published in the book “The Question of Palestine and the Future of the National Project”, Doha 2016).


9- “Which language and history betray the other? Analysis and criticism of the book “Empires of the Word” by Nicholas Ostler, Tabbin Journal for Cultural Studies, Thought and Philosophy, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, No. 7, March 2014.


Cultural activities and contributions

He writes a weekly cultural article in the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, in addition to publishing hundreds of articles in a number of Arab newspapers.


- Published a number of general and court research in a number of magazines, the most important of which are: Tabin al-Fikr magazine, Anasaq magazine, Signs in criticism, Afkar magazine, Al-Faisal magazine, Al-Rafid, Doha, Al-Juba, Al-Jasra, the outskirts of Jerusalem, Bahrain, Popular Traditions magazine, and Al-Bayan. and others.


- He participated in a number of scientific conferences and cultural symposia, in addition to attending a number of academic courses in Oxford and Cambridge University in England, Athens, Kenya, Italy, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, and others.


Some of his poems have been translated into Chinese and English, and some of his studies and research have also been translated into English, where they have been published in a number of periodicals. ]>


- Expert and cultural arbitrator in a number of scientific bodies, cultural competitions and theater festivals.

Достижения и награды


Sheikh Zayed Book Award for the year 2014 for his book "The President and the Deceiver" Post-colonial Discourse in Contemporary Arab Criticism - Theory and Practice 2014 These studies and their understanding of their terminology, and the success in choosing a sample of the body of contemporary Arab criticism representing this new critical current, and following a clear method in building the subject, in addition to the author’s success in highlighting the importance of the critical studies stream of the post-colonial era and its extension in modern Arab culture and the prospects it opens for research In the future of Arabic studies. The book falls within the field of criticism and works to highlight the importance of post-colonial studies on both the theoretical and applied levels. His field is specific to the contemporary critical dimension, as manifested in the studies of Edward Said and the post-colonial culture trend in the Arab world. The author has traced this field by standing on the origins of studies through their terminology and theoretical foundations. This makes the book a new step in the field of monitoring the impact of post-colonial studies on the map of contemporary Arab criticism.

Research Competition Grant - Ministry of Culture and Arts - Qatar 2015.




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